Law Society committees have specialized roles that carry out many of the regulatory functions of the Law Society and assist with policy development.
Committees and task forces are composed of Benchers and lawyers from all over BC, all of whom volunteer their time to the Law Society.
An archive of reference resources produced and compiled by committees and task forces is available at Committee and Task Force Reports.
After it reviews the file and pursuant to Law Society Rule 3-14, the committee can adjourn the review and to make enquiries of the complainant, the lawyer or any other person, confirm the decision to take no further action, refer the complaint to the Practice Standards Committee or the Discipline Committee or direct the Executive Director to conduct further investigation of the complaint to determine its validity.
Committee #1
James A.S. Legh (Chair)
Dr. Jan Lindsay
Jay Michi
Mark Rushton
Michael F. Welsh, KC
Committee #2
Timothy J. Delaney (Chair)
Paul Barnett
Nikki Charlton
Ravi R. Hira , KC
Daniele D. Poulin
Staff contact
Carolyn Anderson
Admin support
Ashleigh Fasken
The Credentials Committee is responsible for overseeing the enrolment, education, examination and call to the bar of articled students, the transfer of lawyers to BC and the reinstatement of former lawyers. When the character or fitness of an applicant for admission, readmission or transfer needs to be addressed, the committee considers the application directly or orders a formal credentials hearing. The committee is also responsible for reviewing applications relating to a student's failed standing in PLTC and for considering any matters arising from the articling system. The committee further assists the Benchers in setting credentials policy and ensuring that this policy is adhered to and assists in credentials program planning, evaluation and budget. For more on this committee, see Law Society Rules 2-50 to 2-104.
Michael F. Welsh, KC (Chair)
Gurminder S. Sandhu, KC (Vice-Chair)
Simran Bains
Maureen E. Baird, KC
Christina J. Cook
Jaspreet S. Malik
Jay Michi
Georges Rivard
Elisabeth A. Sadowski
Jonathan Yuen
Staff contacts
Geoff Howes
Lesley Small
Admin support
Bonnie Bernal
Ayesha Dilhara Goonesekere
May 2017: Program Review of the National Committee on Acreditation for the Federation of Law Societies
The Discipline Committee reviews complaints about lawyers, former lawyers, visiting lawyers, articled students and practitioners of foreign law and determines whether a disciplinary response is warranted. The committee is composed of lawyer Benchers, Appointed Benchers, and one or more non-Bencher lawyers. When considering the appropriate disposition of a complaint, the Discipline Committee is guided by the Conduct Assessment and Disposition Guidelines. The committee may refer the matter back for further investigation, take no further action on the complaint, send the subject lawyer a conduct letter, require the subject lawyer to attend a conduct meeting or a conduct review, or authorize the issuance of a citation. The Discipline Committee may also refer a matter to the Practice Standards Committee. In addition, the committee determines various applications made under the Rules or referred by the President.
Michèle Ross (Chair)
Barbara Stanley, KC (Vice-Chair)
David Arthur Allard
Thomas E. Barnett
Paul Barnett
Tanya Chamberlain
Nikki Charlton
Katrina M.L. Harry, KC
Thomas L. Spraggs
Kevin Westell
Craig M. Yamashiro
Staff contact
Tara McPhail
Admin support
Leah Ensing
The Executive Committee consists of the President, the First and Second Vice-Presidents, the Second Vice-President-elect, three other Benchers elected from among the Benchers as a whole and one Appointed Bencher elected from among the Appointed Benchers.
The responsibilities of the Executive Committee include assisting the Benchers and the Executive Director in establishing relative priorities for the assignment of Society financial, staff and volunteer resources and planning Bencher meetings. For more on this committee, see Law Society Rules 1-48 to 1-49.
Terms of reference
Brook J. Greenberg, KC (Chair)
Katrina M.L. Harry, KC
Michèle Ross
Thomas L. Spraggs
Barbara Stanley, KC
Michael F. Welsh, KC
Kevin Westell
Staff contact
Avalon Bourne
Kerryn Holt
Admin support
Volodymyr Burlachenko
The Finance and Audit Committee provides oversight over the financial affairs of the Law Society. The committee provides recommendations on the annual fees, reviews the annual budgets, and periodically reviews the financial and investment results as needed. In addition, the committee oversees the external audit process, recommends the approval of the audited financial statements to the Benchers, and provides oversight over the internal controls and enterprise risk management of the Law Society.
Thomas L. Spraggs (Chair)
Michael F. Welsh, KC (Vice-Chair)
Timothy J. Delaney
Hardeep S. Gill
Brook J. Greenberg, KC
James A.S. Legh
Dr. Jan Lindsay
Clifford Proudfoot, KC
James Struthers
Kevin Westell
Staff contact
Jeanette McPhee
Admin Support
Teo Wong
The Practice Standards Committee reviews information about lawyers who may have competency-related problems and, when appropriate, orders investigations. The committee recommends ways for lawyers with competency problems to become competent, such as through remedial programs, or restricts them from some areas of practice when necessary to protect the public. The committee also approves programs to assist lawyers to practise more competently and maintain their own competence, and assists the Benchers in setting competency-related policy. For more on the committee, see Law Society Rules 3-15 to 3-25.
Gaynor C.C. Yeung (Chair)
Brian B. Dybwad (Vice-Chair)
Jennifer Chow, KC
Michael J. Kleisinger
Benjamin D. Levine
Marcia McNeil
James Struthers
Natasha Tony
Sarah M. Westwood, KC
Staff contact
Carolyn Anderson
Admin support
Sally Canosa
Advisory Committees
Terms of Reference | Mandate
Tanya Chamberlain (Chair)
James Struthers (Vice-Chair)
Simran Bains
Aleem S. Bharmal, KC
Meena H.K. Dhillon
Cheryl D'Sa, KC
Sasha Hobbs
Kendra Marks
Gaynor C.C. Yeung
Jonathan Yuen
Staff contact
Doug Munro
Kim de Bruijn
Admin support
Amanda Kerr
The Ethics and Lawyer Independence Advisory Committee identifies and considers issues of professional responsibility and develops recommendations for consideration by the Benchers, interprets existing rules and provides advice to individual members and to the members at large on matters of professional responsibility.
Terms of reference | Mandate
Jennifer Chow, KC (Chair)
Aleem S. Bharmal, KC (Vice-Chair)
Pinder K. Cheema, KC
Ravi R. Hira, KC
Benjamin D. Levine
Dr. Jan Lindsay
Georges Rivard
Gurminder S. Sandhu, KC
John Trueman
Michael F. Welsh, KC
Staff contact
Claire L. Marchant
Kim de Bruijn
Admin support
Amanda Kerr
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee monitors developments on issues affecting equity and diversity in the legal profession and the justice system. It reports to the Benchers on those developments and assists the Benchers with priority planning.
See also: What are the Distinctions between Truth and Reconciliation and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?
Natasha Tony (Chair)
Cheryl D'Sa, KC (Vice-Chair)
Aleem S. Bharmal, KC
Tanya Chamberlain
Nikki Charlton
David How
Benjamin D. Levine
Jaspreet S. Malik
Andi Sheasby
Staff contact
Sara Pavan
Rashmi Nair
Admin support
Deborah Mah
March 2018: Retrospective Analysis of Gender in the Legal Profession in BC (1992-2017)
June 2012: Towards a More Diverse Legal Profession: Better practices, better workplaces, better results
July 2006: Report of the Interpreters Working Group
October 2004: Lawyers with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers to Equality
April 2000: Addressing Discriminatory Barriers Facing Aboriginal Law Students and Lawyers
In October 2015, the Benchers recognized the importance of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and urged all lawyers in British Columbia to read the executive summary of the Commission's report.
The Benchers agreed that addressing the findings and recommendations of the report is one of the most critical obligations facing the country and the legal system today. The Law Society continues to work on developing a long-term action plan in collaboration with Indigenous peoples on how best to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action.
See also: Why Reconciliation Matters | What are the Distinctions between Truth and Reconciliation and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?
In July 2016, the Benchers unanimously endorsed the creation of a permanent Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Committee.
The Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Committee provides guidance and advice to the Law Society on legal issues affecting Indigenous people in the province, including those highlighted in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report and recommendations. The committee monitors and reports to the Benchers on those developments, advises the Benchers on priority planning and develops recommendations and initiatives.
Katrina M.L. Harry, KC (Co-Chair)
Thomas L. Spraggs (Co-Chair)
Rhaea Bailey
Paul Barnett
Christina J. Cook
Brian B. Dybwad
Sasha Hobbs
Barbara Stanley, KC
Staff contact
Carrie Robinson
Claire L. Marchant
Admin support
Deborah Mah
Indigenous Framework Report (September 2022)
Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan (July 2018)
Task Forces
The Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Task Force makes recommendations for appropriate regulatory responses, including alternative processes, to address issues of bullying, harassment, and discrimination within the profession.
Members of the Task Force include:
Natasha Tony (Chair)
Cheryl D'Sa, KC (Vice-Chair)
Simran Bains
Aleem S. Bharmal, KC
Sara Forte
Benjamin D. Levine
Marcia McNeil
Gurminder S. Sandhu, KC
Andi Sheasby
James Struthers
Gaynor C.C. Yeung
Staff contact
Kim de Bruijn
Sara Pavan
Admin support
Amanda Kerr
The Discipline Processes Task Force considers and provides advice on how to coordinate and integrate the newer aspects of the Law Society's discipline processes with the traditional discipline framework, including consideration of the best practices and approaches to attain the goal of a principled and effective discipline system.
Kevin Westell (Chair)
Michèle Ross (Vice-Chair)
Samantha Chang
Brian B. Dybwad
Brook J. Greenberg, KC
Katrina M.L. Harry, KC
Steven R. McKoen, KC
Barbara Stanley, KC
Staff contact
Carrie Robinson
Doug Munro
Admin support
Deborah Mah
The Trust Review Task Force was established in July 2022 with a mandate to :
- consider recommendations of the Cullen Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering regarding the handling of trust funds and management of trust accounts by lawyers; and
- assess the current trust accounting rules and related requirements, such as client identification and verification, against the objectives of those rules and any concerns expressed about the rules and their enforcement.
Brook J. Greenberg, KC (Chair)
Richard H. Bell
Aleem S. Bharmal, KC
James K. Fraser
Graham Fulton
Joan Letendre
Benjamin D. Levine
Ryan Rosenberg
Michèle Ross
Staff contacts
Jeanette McPhee
Eva Theiss
Michael D. Lucas, KC
Admin support
Amanda Kerr
- Strategic Planning and Annual Reports
- Executives
- Careers at the Law Society
- Job Postings
- Assistant, Professional Conduct
- Director, Indigenous Initiatives
- Paralegal, Investigations, Monitoring & Enforcement (13-Month Term)
- Licensing Analyst
- Programmer/Analyst (6-Month Term)
- Assistant, Information & Privacy (0.5 FTE)
- Contract Instructors for the Professional Legal Training Course (PLTC) – Summer 2025
- Director, Investigations, Monitoring & Enforcement
- Director, Discipline
- Calendar