Unbundling Legal Services

The Law Society of BC was the first law society in Canada to create policies that promote the unbundling of legal services with the goal of improving access to affordable legal services. 

Unbundling legal services, where a lawyer provides legal services for part of a client’s legal matter, allows clients to access more affordable legal services. It has the potential to remove barriers to access to justice for people who cannot afford a lawyer’s retainer, but need some legal help. Unbundling allows clients and lawyers to decide which tasks are performed by the client and which are performed by the lawyer.

Unbundled legal services are especially helpful to self-represented litigants, who often are not self-represented by choice, but are unable to afford to retain legal counsel. It remains very difficult for self-represented litigants to find a lawyer who offers unbundled services.

Resources for the public

Resources for lawyers

The Law Society encourages lawyers to learn about unbundled legal services and consider offering these services. See the following resources: