Approved participants


Allowed services

No action letter

Andrea Abbinante and Virgin Hickman

The following legal services in civil litigation matters, focusing primarily in the area of personal injury, will be offered through Virgin Hickman by Andrea Abbinante, without direct supervision, including

  • Representing personal injury clients in their claim for accident benefits with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for accidents occuring after May 1, 2021, including all communications and negotiations with ICBC and representation at the Civil Resolution Tribunal.
  • Representing personal injury clients in their claim for accident benefits and damages with ICBC for accidents occurring between April 1, 2019, and May 1, 2021, where the cap on damages applies, including representation at the Civil Resolution Tribunal.
  • Representing personal injury clients in their claim for accident benefits and damages with insurance companies other than ICBC, including
  • drafting court documents and legal correspondence;
  • negotiating on behalf of clients;
  • conducting legal research; and
  • attending tribunal and court hearings (trial management conferences, chambers applications).
  • Providing legal coaching services to personal injury and general civil litigation clients, including
  • assisting clients with understanding the court system;
  • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
  • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy;
  • providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters which will be referred to a lawyer at Virgin Hickman);
  • guiding clients through the legal process;
  • conducting legal research, providing links to cases to clients and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their case;
  • assisting clients to prepare and attend their own court matters and mediations; and
  • providing clients with resources to assist them in handling their matters.
Chia Banyk 

Chia Banyk will offer the following legal services in connection with matters within the jurisdiction of Small Claims Court, the Civil Resolution Tribunal, the Residential Tenancy Branch, the Employment Standards Tribunal, the Human Rights Tribunal and the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal:

  • Providing legal advice
  • Drafting and reviewing legal documentation
  • Assisting in completing court forms
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Representing clients
Deborah Barros Abrantes

Deborah Barros Abrantes will offer the following services in the areas of intellectual property and entertainment law:

  • Negotiating contracts and distribution rights
  • Drafting contracts and other legal documents
  • Advising clients and answering questions about entertainment law
  • Researching relevant case law
  • Assisting record labels setting themselves up as a business entity
  • Ensuring compliance with copyright laws
  • Registration of copyright
Terry Lynne Becker

Terry Lynne Becker proposes to offer the following services by assisting and/or coaching clients in the areas of estate and probate administration, as well as assisting small business and non-profit organizations with corporate compliance:

  • Executor estate and probate administration:
    • determination of the type of estate grant required;
    • preparation of documentation and requirements to make the application;
    • estate bank accounts set up with the Executors; and
    • preparation of Supreme Court Probate Registry forms to probate and distribute an estate.
  • Small business and non-profit organizations:
    • preparation and filing of the annual maintenance documentation required to keep organizations compliant with British Columbia Registry and the Society Branch;
    • preparation and filing of resolutions and minutes;
    • preparation of policies and procedures manuals;
    • preparation of employment contracts;
    • preparation of demand letters;
    • preparation of documentation and filing for society incorporation; and
    • strategic planning and governance coaching.
Jennifer Buckley and Kitsilano Family Law Group

The following legal services will be provided by Jennifer Buckley through Kitsilano Family Law Group, without direct supervision, in the area of family law, in both Supreme Court and Provincial Court matters — including with respect to Hague Convention cases, concerning return applications under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court:

  • Assisting clients in filing court documents, filing on behalf of clients where necessary
  • Setting client expectations and explaining range of potential outcomes
  • Organizational assistance by gathering and organizing documentation
  • Preparation and drafting assistance, proofreading, editing legal documentation and court forms
  • Reviewing legal work completed by clients and providing feedback
  • Providing information on representing themselves at hearings, attending court, notetaking, assisting clients in remaining focused (judicial case conferences, trial management conferences, family management conferences, family settlement conferences and trial preparation conferences)
  • Assisting clients to prepare and attend their own court matters, mediations, arbitration and negotiations
  • Procedural assistance, helping clients navigate and understand court processes, applicable rules, acts and regulations
  • Conducting legal research and analysis
  • Assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy
  • Assisting clients in corresponding with opposing counsel and/or an opposing party
  • Providing information on calculating child support and spousal support amounts
Courtney Burnett & KSW Lawyers

Employment law and disability insurance law services will be offered through KSW Lawyers by Courtney Burnett, Designated Paralegal, without direct supervision, including:

  • providing legal advice, conducting negotiations, drafting legal documents and appearing before the court and administrative tribunals in matters within the jurisdiction of the following: the Provincial Court, the Civil Resolution Tribunal, the Human Rights Tribunal, the Employment Standards Branch and the Worker’s Compensation Appeal Tribunal.
Erin Bury

Erin Bury will operate an online digital platform,, to help BC residents create wills and powers of attorney. Currently, users download and sign the completed agreement in front of witnesses. Bury intends to offer users a 100% end-to-end digital process, whereby users will be able to complete, digitally sign and virtually witness their documents without the need for paper copies. The platform will provide legal information about wills, estate planning and related topics. Should users require legal advice, they will be told to contact a lawyer.

Bryan Louis Crockett

Bryan Louis Crockett will offer legal advice, document preparation, drafting, research, negotiation and representation within the jurisdiction of the following:

  • Civil Resolution Tribunal
  • Small Claims Court
  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • Human Rights Tribunal
  • Employment Standards Tribunal
Ali Dabaja

Ali Dabaja wil offer legal advice, document drafting, document review, assistance with completing forms, settlement negotiation and representing clients in the following areas:

  • Human rights law
  • Regulatory licensing tribunal matters
  • Summary convictions in criminal law matters
  • Provincial offences and quasi-criminal matters
  • Employment law
  • Landlord and tenant disputes
Jane DePaoli

Jane DePaoli will offer the following legal and coaching services in the area of family law:

  • Organizational assistance by helping clients to gather appropriate documentation relating to separation agreements, assisting clients with preparing financial statements, and reviewing documentation or correspondence;
  • Procedural assistance by helping the client understand and navigate the family law system;
  • Presentation assistance by explaining what clients can expect to happen when the client appears in a mediation session and/or court;
  • Drafting assistance with preparing mediation briefs, and proofreading documents prepared by the client;
  • Preparing and setting expectations for clients by explaining a range of possible outcomes;
  • Research assistance by using various online resources; and
  • Referral assistance by referring clients to lawyers where appropriate.
Brandi-Lyn Foy

Brandi-Lyn Foy will provide services in the area of family law, limited to assisting clients with

  • uncontested desk order divorces;
  • drafting and filing child support agreements;
  • filing family law agreements;
  • filing Notices of Withdrawal in divorce matters; and
  • personal service of Notice of Family Claims.
Kyle Friesen

Through Tellalawyer (, Kyle Friesen will provide an online lawyer referral service that offers a direct link for the public to access qualified legal professionals for initial consultations through a secure online booking and payment platform.

Terrilyn Freedman & Mahogany Law Group LLP

The following legal and coaching services will be offered through Mahogany Law Group LLP by Terrilyn Freedman, without direct supervision, including:

  • in the area of family law, in matters within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and Provincial Court, including simple local adoptions which are paper-based only and which do not require any court appearances, as follows: 
      • providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters which will be referred to a lawyer at Mahogany Law Group LLP);
      • drafting, proofreading, or editing legal documents, agreements, and correspondence;
      • assisting clients with filing court documents or filing on behalf of clients;
      • attending and representing clients at mediations, and in Provincial court for the purposes of consent adjournments and consent orders;
      • negotiating on behalf of clients;
      • processing uncontested desk order divorces;
      • preparing and setting expectations for clients by explaining a range of possible outcomes;
      • providing information to clients on representing themselves at hearings and attending court;
      • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy;
      • providing information regarding court deadlines and helping clients understand the importance of court deadlines;
      • reviewing legal work completed by clients and providing feedback;
      • referral assistance by referring clients to lawyers where appropriate;
    • in the areas of estate and probate administration, only for simple estate matters and not involving any minor beneficiaries or any foreign assets, as follows:
      • giving legal advice;
      • determining of the type of estate grant required;
      • preparing documents and requirements to make the application;
      • preparing Supreme Court Probate Registry forms to probate and distribute an estate;
    • in the area of corporate law, as follows:
      • preparing and filing annual maintenance documentation;
      • preparing policy and procedure manuals;
      • drafting employment contracts;
      • preparing demand letters;
      • strategic planning and coaching.

Miriam Gibb

Miriam Gibb will offer the following legal and coaching services in the areas of civil litigation, personal injury litigation, probate and uncontested desk order divorces:

  • Assisting with narrowing the focus of relevant issues;
  • Organizational assistance by gathering and organizing appropriate documentation;
  • Procedural assistance by helping the client to navigate the court system, prepare documentation including court forms and pleadings, and file documents at court, as well as drafting mediation briefs and  proofreading the client’s documents;
  • Presentation assistance by explaining to clients what they should expect in court or at a mediation;
  • Preparing and setting expectations for clients by explaining a range of possible outcomes;
  • Procedural assistance by researching and directing clients to online resources;
  • Referral assistance by referring clients to lawyers or other professionals where appropriate; and
  • Assisting clients with negotiating settlements and helping them to understand any decisions or outcomes.
Titus Gregory and Borins & Company

The following legal services will be provided by Titus Gregory through Borins & Company, without direct supervision:

  • Corporate legal services including
    • incorporation, extra-provincial registration, continuation and dissolution;
    • annual report filing;
    • name registration and name change;
    • change of directors/officers;
    • legal advice concerning interpretation and amendment of constitution, bylaws, and policies; and
    • legal advice concerning the conduct of general meetings, directors’ meetings, elections, referenda and disciplinary proceedings involving members.
  • Legal advice to unincorporated associations including
    • creation and dissolution;
    • legal advice concerning interpretation and amendment of constitution, bylaws and policies; and
    • legal advice concerning the conduct of meetings, elections, referenda, and disciplinary proceedings involving members.
  • Labour and employment legal services including
    • legal advice and document drafting; and
    • representation of clients before the BC Labour Relations Board, Canada Industrial Relations Board, BC Employment Standards Tribunal and labour arbitrators.
Nya Guy

Nya Guy proposes to offer the following services:

  • Corporate legal services including but not limited to
    • annual report filing;
    • name registration;
    • name change;
    • change of Directors/Officers; and
    • incorporation, extra-provincial registration, continuation and dissolution.
  • Legal Process Outsourcing to law firms and corporations.

Nya Guy will not provide legal advice to clients; should legal advice be required, he will refer clients to a lawyer.

Michelle Haigh

Michelle Haigh proposes to offer the following services on Small Claims matters:

  • Preparation of court forms
  • Preparation of pleadings
  • Filing and serving of court documents
  • Legal advice
  • Research on legal matters
  • Negotiate and facilitate settlements
Christopher Hall

Christopher Hall proposes to offer the following services:

  • Small claims court
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • Civil Resolution Tribunal
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
  • Employment Standards Tribunal
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
Kathryn Hanen

Kathryn Hanen will offer the following legal services:

  • Legal coaching in matters pertaining to violations and tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act and criminal law matters within the Provincial Court jurisdiction, which include:
    • assisting clients in understanding their legal situations generally;
    • completing forms;
    • drafting assistance;
    • preparing for court; and
    • navigating court processes.
  • Negotiation and representation in matters pertaining to traffic violations and tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act.
Rachel Hermary and Catalyst Legal LLP

The following legal services will be provided by Rachel Hermary through Catalyst Legal LLP, without direct supervision, for family law matters within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Provincial Court of British Columbia, as follows:

  • Providing general court information and procedural guidance in order to help clients understand and navigate the court system;
  • Assisting with desk order divorce applications;
  • Assisting with the calculation of child and spousal support in scenarios that do not include self-employment income;
  • Providing information regarding court deadlines and helping clients understand the importance of court deadlines;
  • Assisting with the preparation of letters to send to other parties and/or counsel;
  • Assisting with the preparation and completion of court forms and helping clients understand the purpose of the court forms;
  • Review/revision and drafting of legal documents/pleadings and helping clients understand the purpose of the legal documents/pleadings;
  • Assisting with the filing and serving of court forms and legal documents/pleadings;
  • Research on legal matters to help clients understand their specific family law situation better and what kind of outcome they may expect based on precedent;
  • Preparing clients for appearances and mediations, including how to address the court/judge, behavioural expectations and what documents to bring; and
  • Providing procedural guidance with respect to mediations and settlement negotiations and advising self-represented litigants of the potential outcomes of mediations and settlement negotiations.
Tim Hewson

Tim Hewson will offer the following services:

  • The operation of an online platform called Legal, where users create, store and share estate planning documents such as wills, living wills, powers of attorney and documents setting out funeral wishes. Hewson intends to offer users a 100% end-to-end digital process, whereby users will be able to complete, digitally sign and virtually witness their documents without the need for paper copies. All documents created are stored within’s digital vault.
  • provides users with legal information about wills, estate planning and related topics.
  • If a user requires legal advice, the platform recommends that users contact a lawyer.
  • Users can request that a lawyer review their final document for an additional fee. has a number of lawyers hired on a contract basis to review user documents and provide a written report regarding the consistency and completeness of the information contained therein. There is no direct interaction between the user and lawyer and no legal advice is offered.
Kristen Jarvis

Kristen Jarvis will provide the following legal services in relation to matters within the jurisdiction of Small Claims Court, the Residential Tenancy Branch, the Human Rights Tribunal, and the Employment Standards Tribunal; provincial violation tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act, the Emergency Program Act, and the Covid-19 Related Measures Act; federal contravention violation tickets under the Quarantine Act; and municipal tickets within the Provincial Court jurisdiction:

  • Providing legal advice;
  • Conducting legal research;
  • Drafting and reviewing legal documentation;
  • Negotiating settlement; and
  • Representing clients.
Jolene Johnson

Jolene Johnson proposes to offer the following services: 

  • Small claims court
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • Civil Resolution Tribunal
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
Dominika Justynski

Dominika Justynski proposes to offer the following services:

  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • legal advice
  • document drafting
  • advocacy during hearings or during the settlement process
Laura Laharty & Pihl Law Corporation

The following legal and coaching services will be offered through Pihl Law Corporation by Laura Laharty, without direct supervision: in the area of employment law, wrongful dismissal matters; in prohibited action complaint matters under the Workers Compensation Act; in British Columbia human rights claim matters; in the area of civil litigation, personal injury matters excluding Motor Vehicle Act claims and without court appearances; in the area of construction law, builders lien claims under $7,500, with no trial attendance; and for debt claim enforcement matters within the jurisdiction of the Provincial (Small Claims) Court: 

  • Providing legal advice;
  • Drafting legal documents;
  • Conducting legal research;
  • Assisting with and/or conducting document disclosure;
  • Assisting with trial and mediation preparation;
  • Representing clients;
  • Negotiating settlements; and
  • Appearing in Provincial (Small Claims) Court, and/or before the Human Rights Tribunal and the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal.
Trina Lal

Trina Lal will provide services to self-represented litigants in the areas of personal injury litigation and residential tenancy within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court, the Civil Resolution Tribunal and the Residential Tenancy Branch, as follows:

  • Providing general information and procedural guidance in order to help clients understand and navigate the court/tribunal systems; and
  • Assisting with the following aspects of trial/hearing preparation:
    • Identification of legal issues and material facts;
    • Providing information regarding deadlines and helping client understand the importance of deadlines;
    • Preparation and assistance in completing forms and helping clients understand the purpose of the forms;
    • Review/revision and drafting of legal documents/pleadings and helping clients understand the purpose of the legal documents/pleadings;
    • Filing and serving court forms and legal documents/pleadings;
    • Collection/organization of documents, and preparation of evidence, document disclosure, and examinations for discovery;
    • Referring client to available online resources;
    • Researching legal matters;
    • Preparing clients for appearances and mediations, including how to address the court/judge/tribunal member/arbitrator, behavioural expectations and what documents to bring;
    • Advising self-represented litigants of the potential outcomes of mediations and settlement negotiations; and
    • Managing client expectations and help clients understand what will be expected of them.
Tracy Laninga

Tracy Laninga proposes to offer a limited scope of services to clients who would maintain control of their own legal matters in the following areas of law:

  • Simple small claims disputes;
  • Desk order divorces (restricted to uncontested desk orders with no other issues);
  • Simple landlord/tenant disputes under the Residential Tenancy Act;
  • Insurance Corporation of British Columbia disputes under the jurisdiction of the Civil Resolution Tribunal;
  • Assisting with access to specific government programs;
  • Assisting with applying for legal aid; and
  • Drafting annual corporate maintenance documents for start-up companies and grant applications.
Dianna Lau

Dianna Lau will provide services in the area of landlord and tenant matters, probate administration and employment law,as follows:

  • Landlord and tenant matters:
    • assisting clients in understanding the rules and process;
    • procedural assistance by helping clients navigate the court and tribunal system;
    • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
    • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy;
    • conducting legal research, directing clients to online resources, and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their matter; and
    • referral assistance, where appropriate.
  • Probate administration:
    • providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters, which will be referred to a lawyer);
    • assisting clients in understanding the rules and process;
    • procedural assistance by helping clients navigate the court and tribunal system;
    • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
    • drafting legal documents and forms (including preparation of Supreme Court Probate Registry forms to probate and distribute an estate);
    • conducting legal research, directing clients to online resources, and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their matter;
    • providing clients with information regarding executor and administrator duties; and
    • referral assistance, where appropriate.
  • Employment law:
    • providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters, which will be referred to a lawyer);
    • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
    • drafting legal documents and contracts; and
    • conducting legal research, directing clients to online resources, and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their matter.
Jenna Little

Jenna Little will offer legal assistance and representation for offences within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court including

  • provincial and municipal violation tickets, including quasi-criminal offences and municipal bylaw offenses under the British Columbia Offence Act; and
  • tickets issued under the federal Contravention Act.
Jeremy Maddock

Jeremy Maddock proposes to offer the following research and writing services as a home-based contract employee, under the supervision of practicing lawyers, including

  • Conducting legal research
  • Reviewing and summarizing disclosure
  • Drafting pleadings and legal arguments
  • Submitting any documents prepared by the client for the review and approval of the supervising lawyer

Maddock also proposes to offer the following services to motor vehicle violation ticket disputants:

  • Reviewing violation tickets
  • Providing information about the dispute process
  • Obtaining disclosure from ticketing officers
  • Negotiating possible resolution with ticketing officers
  • Drafting legal arguments
Hadi Mansouri

Hadi Mansouri will offer the following legal services in the areas of employment law, landlord and tenant law, human rights law, services related to violation tickets issued under the Motor Vehicle Act, small claims and services related to regulatory licensing tribunal matters as follows:

  • Drafting various legal documents
  • Providing legal advice
  • Conducting legal research
  • Conducting negotiations, including facilitating settlements
  • Representing clients in arbitration and mediation proceedings
  • Appearing before the following courts and tribunals:
    • Provincial Court of British Columbia
      1. Small Claims
      2. Traffic, Ticket and Bylaw
    • Civil Resolution Tribunal
    • Human Rights Tribunal
    • Employment Standards Branch and Tribunal
    • Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal
    • Residential Tenancy Branch
    • Regulatory tribunals
Dean Marsh

Dean Marsh will offer the following services related to traffic violation tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act and the Criminal Code within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Court:

  • Filing disputes at court
  • Filling in court forms
  • Obtaining and reviewing disclosure
  • Conducting legal research
  • Providing legal advice
  • Representing clients in court in pre-trial appearances
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Referring matters to lawyers where necessary
John Charles Wesley McDonald

John Charles Wesley McDonald proposes to offer the following services:

  • Acting as the client’s advocate throughout the litigation process by providing legal advice, conducting legal research, drafting and filing documents, entering into settlement negotiations and making appearances in each of the following:
  • the Civil Resolution Tribunal;
  • the Residential Tenancy Branch; and
  • the Employment Standards Tribunal.
  • Small Claims Matters:
  • meeting with clients;
  • conducting legal research;
  • preparing and filing documents such as pleadings, statements and affidavits;
  • assisting with document disclosure;
  • engaging in settlement negotiation; and
  • assisting the client with trial preparation.
Leslie McDougall

Leslie McDougall will offer the following legal and coaching services:

  • Family law, including:
    • Processing uncontested divorces
    • Coaching self-represented litigants in family matters as follows:
      • Reviewing legal documents completed by clients and providing feedback
      • Assisting clients with preparing financial statements
      • Assisting clients with preparing affidavits
      • Assisting clients with document collection
      • Guiding clients through the legal process
      • Assisting clients in understanding the court system
      • Assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy
      • Providing clients with resources to assist them in handling their matter
      • Assisting clients with preparing and attending their own court matters, including hearings, mediations, pre-trial and trial
      • Providing legal advice
      • Conducting legal research
      • Assisting clients with procedural timelines, including adjournments and document production
  • Wills and estates, including:
    • Simple wills as follows:
      • Drafting wills for clients with adult or no children, naming simple beneficiaries and executors, and to a maximum of $1,000,000 in assets
      • Reviewing and assisting with wills drafted by clients
      • Providing guidance to clients on filing wills notices
      • Providing guidance to clients on safekeeping of wills
      • Legal advice
      • Conducting legal research
  • Simple estate administration as follows:
    • Drafting simple estate administration court documents for clients with one property/mortgage and under $100,000 in other assets
    • Reviewing and assisting with court documents and legal work done by clients and providing feedback
    • Assisting clients in making decisions on procedure
    • Guiding clients through the estate administration process
    • Providing clients with information regarding executor and administrator duties
    • Providing clients with resources and information to assist them in handling their matter
    • Providing legal advice
    • Conducting legal research
Troy McLean

Troy McLean will offer the following legal and coaching services in the area of personal and/or corporate debt realization for amounts not in excess of $35,000, civil disputes for damages not in excess of $35,000, non-motor vehicle personal injury and/or minor assault, seeking damages for amounts not in excess of $35,000:

  • Drafting legal documents
  • Providing legal advice
  • Conducting legal research
  • Filing and serving of court documents
  • Appearing in Provincial Court and/or before the Civil Resolution Tribunal with, or on behalf of, clients
  • Assisting self-represented litigants with settlement negotiations
  • Providing legal coaching services to personal injury and general civil litigation clients.
Kirsten Meers

Kirsten Meers will offer the following legal and coaching services:

  • Family law within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Provincial Court of British Columbia:
    • Matters under the Child, Family and Community Service Act (“CFCSA”):
      • Consenting to director’s applications; 
      • Attending mediation and collaboration meetings; 
      • Drafting all CFCSA forms and correspondence; 
      • Provide assistance with understanding the CFCSA rules.
  • Provincial Court:
    • Provide legal advice for child support, spousal support and parenting time/contact time; 
    • Appear and attend or alternatively assist clients representing themselves at hearings such as judicial case conferences, trial management conferences, family management conferences and mediation;
    • Preparation and drafting of all legal documentation and Provincial Court Family forms; 
    • Conducting legal research; 
    • Conduct negotiations.
  • Supreme Court:
    • Complete uncontested desk order divorces; 
    • Drafting and filing family law agreements; 
    • Provide legal advice for child support, parenting time/contact time and legal concepts.
  • Criminal law: 
    • Initial/first appearances attending before a Justice of the Peace;
    • Adjourning files and requesting disclosure;
    • Non contested hearings (consent release JIR/bail hearings); 
    • Intake/bail planning with clients in custody; 
    • Initial consultations with client and legal advice of the criminal courts process. 
Sara Miller

Sara Miller will offer the following legal coaching services in the area of family law:

  • Procedural assistance by helping clients understand and navigate the family law system;
  • Organizational assistance by helping clients to gather appropriate information and documentation;
  • Drafting assistance by helping clients with preparing their own correspondence and documents;
  • Referral assistance by referring clients to applicable resources, alternate dispute resolution services, and lawyers, where appropriate.
Leon Presner

Leon Presner will offer the following services: legal advice, document drafting, document review, assistance with completing forms, settlement negotiation and representation within the jurisdiction of the following:

  • Human Right Tribunal
  • Small Claims Court
  • Regulatory Licensing and Disciplinary Tribunals
  • Summary convictions in criminal law matters
  • Provincial offences and quasi-provincial matters
  • Civil Resolution Tribunal
  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • Employment Standards Tribunal
Scott Nicol

Through SimpleArb, Scott Nicol will provide an online platform that allows parties to enter into settlement negotiation and confidentially disclose their offers to settle. A claimant enters the amount they are willing to receive and the respondent enters the amount they are willing to pay. The amount entered by one party is not disclosed to the other party. If the offers match or overlap, the SimpleArb system will declare a match. The system will then disclose the average of the offers to the parties and an agreement can be formed. If the offers do not match or overlap, no information on the offers is shared.

Kate Olafsen

Kate Olafsen will offer the following legal coaching and legal services in the area of family law:

  • legal advice;
  • legal research;
  • drafting and reviewing legal documentation;
  • organizational assistance by gathering and organizing appropriate documentation;
  • procedural assistance by helping the client navigate the court system, preparing documentation including court forms and pleadings and filing documents at court, where necessary;
  • presentation assistance by explaining to the client what they may expect when attending court, mediations, arbitration and settlement meetings;
  • preparing and setting expectations for clients by explaining a range of possible outcomes;
  • preparation for and attendance at, where necessary, mediation, arbitration and settlement meetings; and
  • referral assistance by referring clients to lawyers or other professionals, where appropriate.
Mayette Ostonal

Mayette Ostonal proposes to offer the following services:

  • Legal coaching, independent of Ostonal's employment at a law firm, which includes:
  • Coaching clients in civil litigation procedure, with a focus on the Civil Resolution Tribunal and personal injury litigation, by
  • helping clients understand the process and what is required of them at each step;
  • providing them with information on how to find rules and other relevant legislation, the proper forms to use, serving parties, deadlines and other similar administrative matters;
  • assisting with determining evidence to use in supporting or defending their claim; and
  • providing assistance in how to find case law for arguments.
  • Coaching clients when they prepare pleadings, statements, affidavits and submissions by providing information on the purpose of each document and general outlines of what should be included, and then assisting them in either fleshing out their drafts or paring down the drafts to focus on the issues at hand.
  • Providing general information and coaching regarding Small Claims and Supreme Court, including providing explanations of the court process; information on how and where to find rules and other relevant legislation, fill out forms, and calculate deadlines; advice on what evidence they need to prove or defend their claim and what can be included in their list of documents; explanation of the purpose of examinations for discoveries and general procedure; general information on trial preparation; and online sources for more detailed information.
  • Helping clients hone or refocus their claims (but not specifically providing advice on what their legal issues are).
  • Editing documents that Ostonal's clients have prepared, such as letters, submissions and chronologies.
  • Assisting clients with case law and quantum research to determine the appropriate damages for their claims.
Pami Pantigoso

Pami Pantigoso will provide the following services within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court:

  • preparation of court forms;
  • preparation of pleadings;
  • filing and serving of court documents;
  • representation/advocacy before the court;
  • legal advice;
  • research on legal matters;
  • coaching and procedural guidance for self-represented litigants; and
  • assistance in collection of judgments, such as asset searches, location services, and enforcement proceedings.
Rhonda Lynn PerilloRhonda Lynn Perillo will offer the following legal services:
  • Legal advice, document preparation, document review, assistance with completing forms, settlement negotiation and representation within the jurisdiction of the following:
    • Small Claims Court
    • Civil Resolution Tribunal
    • Residential Tenancy Branch
    • Employment Standards Tribunal
Heather Campbell Pope

Heather Campbell Pope will offer the following services:

  • Legal guidance
    • Through phone consultations and email exchanges, Pope will help unrepresented individuals with dementia and their families understand and navigate the criminal justice system and the barriers and issues faced by an accused/offender with dementia. If the accused/offender has representation, any further legal services for the individual will be coordinated in consultation with the lawyer.
  • Advocacy support
    • Pope will provide advocacy support to people with dementia who enter the criminal justice system due to responsive behaviours by carrying out actions such as writing letters to the Crown, correctional authorities, care homes/health authorities regarding resident absences and admission, and custodians of health information regarding access to records.
  • Legal research
    • Pope will cany out legal research and write memos/letters on dementia and the criminal offense specific to the individual’s case, and prepare documents for use in, or related to, a proceeding. For example: preparing a human rights complaint if the individual has been "evicted" from or denied re-entry to their care home, preparing a submission regarding a deportation order, drafting written submissions for a conviction or sentence appeal, applying for termination or exemption from the sex offender registry or applying for compassionate release.

Catherine Robillard and Avery Law Office

The following legal services will be provided by Catherine Robillard through Avery Law Office, without direct supervision, in the areas of wills and estates law:

  • Receiving instructions from wills and estates clients;
  • Drafting estate planning documents consisting of wills, powers of attorney, representation agreements and advance directives;
  • Processing desk order applications for grants of probate and grants of letters of administration;
  • Drafting court documents and legal correspondence in relation to the application of estate clients for a grant of probate or a grant of letters of administration;
  • Providing legal advice (excluding complex legal matters which will be referred to a lawyer at Avery Law Office);
  • Conducting legal research;
  • Providing legal coaching services to wills and estates clients, including
    • assisting clients with understanding the court system;
    • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
    • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure;
    • guiding clients through the estate administration process, including the process for transferring estate property to the executor or administrator and estate beneficiaries;
    • conducting legal research and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their matter;
    • assisting clients to prepare for their own court matter as it relates to applications for a representation grant;
    • providing clients with resources to assist them in handling their matter;
    • providing information on the amount of probate fees payable in an application for a representation grant; and
    • providing clients with information regarding executor and administrator duties.
Karen Roussy

Karen Roussy will offer the following services in the area of family law:

  • Drafting and preparing various legal documents, including court forms for the Supreme Court of BC and BC Provincial Court, summaries of facts and memoranda, legal aid applications and appeals, separation and cohabitation agreements, financial statements and fee waiver applications
  • Identifying documentation and evidence the client needs to support positions
  • Providing legal research
  • Communicating and negotiating with the other party or their legal representative on behalf of the client
  • Processing desk order divorces
  • Attending BC Provincial Court as an advocate at conferences, hearings and trials
  • Legal coaching services including:
    • assisting clients in understanding the court system, their legal needs and available solutions, including guiding clients through the legal process, preparing for court attendance as a support person and referring clients to lawyers and other legal resources as needed;
    • educating and supporting clients about alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including assisting them with preparation for ADR proceedings and attending mediations or other ADR proceedings with clients to advocate, represent, advise or support them;
    • reviewing court documents prepared by the client;
    • providing legal advice and strategy; and
    • assisting with legal research.
Michèle Ross
and Virgin Hickman

The following legal services in the area of family law will be offered through Virgin Hickman by Michèle Ross, Designated Paralegal, without direct supervision, including:

  • Processing desk order divorces
  • Providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters which will be referred to a lawyer at Virgin Hickman)
  • Drafting court documents
  • Negotiating on behalf of clients
  • Providing information on the amount of child support and spousal support
  • Conducting legal research
  • Attending court (judicial case conferences, trial management conferences, chambers applications)
  • Coaching self-represented litigants in family matters including
  • assisting clients with understanding the court system;
  • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
  • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy;
  • providing legal advice based on the parameters outlined in paragraph 3 below (see PDF);
  • guiding clients through the legal process;
  • conducting legal research, providing links to cases to clients and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their case;
  • assisting clients to prepare and attend their own court matters and mediations; and 
  • providing clients with resources to assist them in handling their matters.
Laurie Schamber

Laurie Schamber will offer legal and coaching services in the area of family law and criminal law within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Provincial Court of British Columbia:

  • Drafting documents, limited to:
    • notices of family claim;
    • applications about a family law latter;
    • applications about priority parenting matter;
    • applications for case management order;
    • interjurisdictional support applications;
    • consent orders;
    • uncontested divorce documents;
    • contested divorce documents;
    • affidavits;
    • cohabitation agreements;
    • separation agreements;
    • books of authorities;
    • applications to a judge;
    • notices of application to adjourn;
    • requests to be heard by teleconference/video conference;
    • subpoenas to a witness;
    • documents used in disclosure; and
    • applicable court forms.
  • Providing basic legal advice;
  • Conducting legal research, providing links to cases and legislation and helping clients understand the rules applicable to their case;
  • Providing information on the amount of child support and spousal support; and
  • Coaching self-represented litigants, limited to:
    • assisting clients with understanding the court system;
    • reviewing legal work done by clients and providing feedback;
    • assisting clients in making decisions on procedure and strategy;
    • guiding clients through the legal process and helping them understand the different stages of their family or criminal law matters and the various requirements and court deadlines at each stage;
    • assisting clients with preparing and attending their own court matters and mediations; and
    • providing clients with information and links to resources to assist them in handling their own legal matter.
Larry Smyth

Larry Smyth proposes to offer the following services:

  • Motor Vehicle Act Matters
  • reviewing violation tickets;
  • providing information about the dispute process;
  • obtaining disclosure from ticketing officers;
  • negotiating possible resolution with ticketing officers; and
  • drafting legal arguments.
  • Residential Tenancy Act Matters (acting as the client’s advocate throughout the Residential Tenancy process) including
  • meeting with clients;
  • communicating with opposing parties to settle the matter;
  • conducting legal research;
  • preparing, filing and serving documents;
  • gathering, filing and serving evidence; and
  • attending Residential Tenancy Branch hearings to present evidence, question witnesses, respond to evidence presented by the opposing party and make submissions.
  • Small Claims Matters
  • meeting with clients;
  • conducting legal research;
  • preparing and filing documents such as pleadings, statements and affidavits;
  • assisting with document disclosure;
  • engaging in settlement negotiation;
  • assisting the client with trial preparation; and
  • acting as the client’s advocate throughout the Civil Resolution Tribunal process.
Samantha Thompson (Derbyshire)

Samantha Thompson (Derbyshire) will offer the following legal services in the areas of employment law, provincial and quasi-criminal offences, human rights law and residential tenancy matters:

  • Legal advice
  • Legal research
  • Representing clients
Brianna Vatne and Davidson Lawyers LLP

The following legal services will be provided by Brianna Vatne through Davidson Lawyers LLP, without direct supervision, in the area of family law within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and the Provincial Court of British Columbia (“PCBC”):

  • Coaching self-represented litigants who would maintain control of their own legal matter;
  • Providing general information and procedural guidance in order to help clients understand and navigate the applicable court systems;
  • Assisting clients with gathering and organizing appropriate documentation;
  • Filing and serving of court forms/documents (in person and online);
  • Scheduling court appearances;
  • Reviewing/revising and drafting of correspondence and various legal documents/ pleadings/court forms;
  • Helping clients understand the purpose of applicable legal documents, pleadings, and court forms;
  • Assisting with preparation of financial statements and supporting documentation;
  • Calculating child support/Section 7 expenses (including retroactive amounts);
  • Calculating spousal support (including retroactive amounts);
  • Preparing clients for participation at applications, mediation sessions and court appearances, including what to expect, how to address the court/judge, behavioral expectations and what documents to bring;
  • Conducting legal research;
  • Providing legal advice (excluding highly complex legal matters, which will be referred to a lawyer at Davidson Lawyers LLP
  • Negotiating on behalf of clients for matters within the jurisdiction of the PCBC;
  • Appearing in court on behalf of clients for matters within the jurisdiction of the PCBC;
  • Setting expectations for clients by explaining to them a range of possible outcomes in connection with their legal matter; and
  • Providing referral assistance by referring individuals to other lawyers at Davidson Lawyers LLP when appropriate.
Abigal Wiley

Abigail Wiley will offer legal advice, legal research, drafting and reviewing legal documentation, settlement negotiation, and representation within the jurisdiction of the following:

  • Small Claims Court
  • Civil Resolution Tribunal
  • Residential Tenancy Branch
  • Human Rights Tribunal
  • Employment Standards Tribunal
  • Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal; and
  • Provincial violation tickets under the Motor Vehicle Actand municipal tickets, within the Provincial Court jurisdiction; specifically the following:
    1. traffic violations;
    2. parking violations;
    3. animal control;
    4. noise violations;
    5. waste disposal;
    6. unauthorized tree removal;
    7. trespassing; and
    8. property maintenance tickets.
Hollis Wong

Hollis Wong will provide services to self-represented litigants in the area of personal injury within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Small Claims Court, Civil Resolution Tribunal; for matters within the jurisdiction of the Residential Tenancy Branch; and in the areas of traffic/parking violations and animal control within the jurisdiction of Small Claims Court and the Civil Resolution Tribunal. These services will include:

  • Providing general information and procedural guidance in order to help client understand and navigate the court/tribunal systems; and
  • Assisting with the following aspects of trial/hearing preparation:
    • providing information regarding deadlines and helping clients understand the importance of deadlines;
    • preparing and assisting with the completion of forms and helping clients understand the purpose of the forms;
    • reviewing/revising and drafting of legal documents/pleadings and helping clients understand the purpose of their legal documents/pleadings;
    • filing and serving of forms and legal documents/pleadings;
    • collecting/organizaing documents and assisting with the preparation of evidence, document disclosure and examination for discovery;
    • researching legal matters;
    • preparing clients for appearances and mediations, including how to address the court/judge/tribunal member/arbitrator, behavioural expectations and what documents to bring; and
    • providing guidance in connection with mediations and settlement negotiations.
Hayley Woodin

Hayley Woodin will offer the following services:

  • Document creation 
    • Woodin will run an online platform that creates cohabitation, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements. The platform will include two main components: a guided expert system and a document assembly system.
  • Legal information and Education
    • The platform will provide users with legal information about their rights related to marriage, cohabitation and relationship breakdown in BC. Accessible legal information, resources and educational materials will be readily available on the platform and presented throughout the agreement creation process.
  • Managing User Risk
    • Users will also be urged to seek independent legal advice for the agreements that are created and in the event their needs exceed what the platform can meet.
Kevin Woolliams

Kevin Woolliams will offer the following services in the area of human rights and labour relations law and within the jurisdiction of the Labour Relations Board, the Human Rights Tribunal, the Human Rights Tribunal of Canada, the Employment Standards Branch, the Worker's Compensation Appeal Tribunal and the federal Labour Program:

  • Giving legal advice
  • Engaging in negotiation toward settlement, including participation in mediation, settlement conferences, and informal meetings
  • Drafting and reviewing legal documentation
  • Conducting and reporting on investigations relating to employment matters
  • Reviewing, sharing and commenting on employment and labour-related jurisprudence, legislation and regulation
  • Conducting business with non-adjudicative staff at administrative tribunals
  • Participating in and appearing before review panels and administrative tribunals
WT BCA Limited Liability PartnershipThe provision of legal services, with a focus on insurance and commercial litigation, as well as claims management and adjusting services to clients through limited liability partnership involving lawyer partners and a non-law firm.PDF