What to do if you’re experiencing burnout or stress

Juggling the pressures of work and our personal lives can leave us feeling exhausted, empty or burned out. Stress at work can cause physical and mental symptoms that not only impact our own well-being, but also our relationships with family and friends.

The National Study on the Psychological Health Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada, found that 55 per cent of BC legal professionals experience psychological distress and burnout and that less than half seek professional help. Recognizing you may need assistance is the first step to focusing on your mental health.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and looking to reduce your workload for health and personal reasons, know that you are not alone. You can learn more about the resources available to you by visiting the Lawyer Well-Being Hub or viewing the FAQs page.

For additional resources to support your mental health this month, please visit Lifespeak, a platform that offers free, easy-to-access mental health resources and supports for you and your family. The resources you will find on Lifespeak provide tips you can implement immediately to improve your mental well-being, such as: