Trust Accounting Course - now full

[Note that this course is now full.]

The Trust Assurance department will be offering a free one-day course for lawyers and law firm staff members to both educate and refresh participants on the Law Society’s trust accounting requirements and the amended trust account rules.

Course name:  Trust Accounting Course

Audience:  Lawyers and law firm administrators maintaining trust accounts and records

Course date: 

  • Monday, December 9, 2019 

Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (8 hours including 1-hour break)

CPD hours: 7 hours (includes ethics)

Practice area: n/a

Delivery mode: In person


A full day of trust accounting to both educate and refresh participants on the Law Society’s trust accounting requirements. There will be many practical examples that will be useful to both new and established firms, lawyers, and staff members.  

This course covers topics such as:

  • opening and operating a trust account,
  • understanding trust reconciliations and the importance of timely and accurate preparation,
  • hands-on example of completing a trust reconciliation,
  • common compliance audit rule exceptions and misconceptions,
  • when to communicate with the Law Society, and include
  • anti-money laundering content.

Location: Law Society 2nd Floor – room 204


Krista Adamek, Audit Team Leader
David Cho, Trust Auditor

Registration fee: Free

Please complete and sign the registration form here and send it to the trust assurance department at to sign up.