Mental Health forum event provides strategies to improve wellness in the legal profession

On Tuesday, February 6, 2024 more than 500 participants gathered virtually for part two of the Mental Health Forum hosted by the Law Society and the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC (CLEBC). Part two of the forum provided legal professionals with strategies for advancing their own mental health and for employers who want to improve mental health within their organization.

Retired lawyer, Winston Sayson, KC shared his personal experience working through mental health challenges in the legal practice and how work can deeply impact our personal lives. Law Society of BC, Director of Policy and Practice, Claire Marchant and UX and Content Strategist, Rose Morgan and Lawyer Assistance Program of BC, Shari Pearlman, shared strategies for self-care and mental health resources that are easily available and confidential to lawyers that can be accessed through the Lawyer Well-being Hub.

During a panel discussion on fostering a culture of wellbeing in your organization, Registered Clinical Counsellor Bena Stock, Wellness Speaker, Leigh-Ann Ing and lawyers Christie Gilmour and Leena Yousefi shared what leaders are doing to better facilitate mental health in their organization. They also provided guidance on how to create a safe space to discuss mental health and how to promote a culture of wellness in the legal profession.

If you missed the second session, rebroadcasts will be available in July 2024.

If you are looking for additional resources to support your mental health this month, please visit Lifespeak, a platform that offers free, easy-to-access mental health resources and supports.