Law Society honours lawyers and law students who gave their lives in World Wars One and Two

The Law Society rededicated a plaque honouring Law Society members and students who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country in World Wars One and Two. In a ceremony in the entrance of the Law Society building, First Vice-President Nancy Merrill, QC, spoke to an audience of Law Society Benchers and guests, pausing to recognize each of the 80 members and students.

The bronze “Honour Roll” plaque was originally commissioned in 1961 and lists each lawyer and law student killed during the two wars.

“With today’s rededication, all who enter the Law Society building will recognize and remember these brave members and students who fought, and died protecting the freedoms that we enjoy today. May we never forget them,” said Law Society First Vice-President Nancy Merrill, QC.


Memorial plaque rededication

Law Society First Vice-President Nancy Merrill, QC, accompanied by Law Society members Captain Emily MacKinnon (left) and Major Adam McLeod (centre), rededicates the Honour Roll plaque commemorating Law Society members and students who gave their lives during World Wars One and Two.

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