Langley lawyer Gregory G. Dureault suspended for three months for professional misconduct

Langley lawyer Gregory G. Dureault has agreed to a three-month suspension for professional misconduct, commencing on March 10, 2025.

Dureault admitted in a consent agreement that between 2016 and 2017 he permitted his trust account to be used in circumstances where he was not providing substantial legal services and failed to make reasonable inquiries regarding the source and nature of funds deposited into and disbursed from his trust account. He also failed to obtain client identification and verification information and acted on the instructions of an individual who was not his client. In addition, Dureault admitted that he should have known that he may have been facilitating crime, dishonesty or fraud.

In accepting the consent agreement, the Law Society took into consideration an Agreed Statement of Facts, Mr. Dureault’s acceptance of responsibility and cooperation in reaching a resolution, the consistency of the consent agreement with prior consent agreement dispositions, and the fact Dureault has closed his US and Canada trust accounts.

For more information, read the consent agreement summary.