Invitation to apply for appointment to hearing panel pools

Editor's note: The deadline to receive applications has now passed.

The Law Society is currently inviting members of the public and non-Bencher lawyers to apply for appointment to the hearing panel pools.

Public hearing panel pool — Members of the public are invited to apply for appointment to the pool from which members of hearing panels and review boards are drawn. This is a part-time position, compensated at $250 per hearing day. Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed. Assignment to hearings will be on an as-needed basis. The term of appointment to the hearing panel pool is four years, renewable once.

Lawyer (non-Bencher) hearing panel pool — Qualified practising lawyers are invited to volunteer to serve as members of the hearing panel pool. This is a part-time volunteer position. Reasonable expenses are reimbursed in full. Assignment to hearings will be on an as-needed basis. The term of appointment to the hearing panel pool is four years, renewable once.