First applicants accepted to the Law Society’s innovation sandbox

The Law Society has opened the innovation sandbox to six proposals for providing legal advice and assistance to legal consumers in British Columbia. The approved proposals are:

  • Dementia Justice Canada – legal guidance, advocacy support and research to assist unrepresented individuals with dementia and their families navigate and participate in the criminal justice system and other proceedings
  • Mayette Ostonal – legal coaching, editing client documents and assistance with case law research of appropriate damages for claims
  • Willful – a digital platform for BC residents to create wills and powers of attorney
  • SimpleArb – a digital tool that allows parties to enter into settlement negotiations to resolve their dispute
  • Telllalawyer – an online lawyer referral service that offers a direct link to qualified legal professionals for an initial consultation
  • Hayley Woodin – an online platform that creates cohabitation, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements

Service providers in the innovation sandbox will be monitored by the Law Society through a regular reporting requirement and will provide their services in accordance with a “no-action” letter setting out conditions under which they must operate.

In addition to accepting these providers into the innovation sandbox, the Law Society has received several more proposals that are under consideration and anticipates making further announcements. Individuals, businesses and law firms with ideas for the delivery of innovative legal services that may require relaxing current regulatory requirements are invited to submit a proposal for consideration by the Law Society.

To find out more, or to submit an application, visit the Innovation Sandbox initiative on the Law Society’s website.


For further information contact:

Vinnie Yuen
Communications Officer