COVID-19 update on the state of emergency

The state of emergency declared for the COVID-19 pandemic remains in effect. To prepare for when the state of emergency is lifted, the provincial legislature passed the COVID-19 Related Measures Act (CRMA). The CRMA came into force on July 10, 2020 and enacts a temporary legal framework for ministerial orders and regulations made during the state of emergency, and it allows for orders and regulations to be extended for a transition period following the end of the state of emergency. A general overview and background may be found in the province’s Information Bulletin on the CRMA.

To assist you further with your planning, the provincial government has issued the following Information Bulletins:

  • IB regarding limitation periods explains how the CRMA enacts the further suspension of limitations and mandatory time periods, and it provides guidance on calculating the end date of your limitation or time period. 
  • IB regarding civil liability explains a new regulation adopted to provide certain protections from civil liability with respect to transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.