Celebrating National Indigenous History Month

This June, in celebration of National Indigenous History Month, we are encouraging the legal profession to learn more about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of Indigenous Peoples. 

The Law Society of BC honours the stories, achievements and resilience of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and recognizes the harm caused by the colonial legal system, as well as our role within that system. We are committed to advancing reconciliation by identifying actions we can take to ensure our processes are culturally safe, remove systemic barriers and celebrate Indigenous culture.

Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing interesting facts about Indigenous history, notable Indigenous people in the legal profession, resources for lawyers and more. Follow @LawSocietyofBC on Twitter to learn more and share.

Get involved

We encourage you to take some time in June to learn more about the past and present of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Take time to complete the Law Society’s Indigenous Intercultural Course. The course provides knowledge on the history of Indigenous-Crown relations, the history and legacy of residential schools and how legislation regarding Indigenous Peoples created the issues that reconciliation seeks to address. For more information and FAQs about the course, go to Indigenous Intercultural Course.
  • The Government of Canada has chosen five themes dedicated to highlighting specific aspects of Indigenous history, cultures and perspectives. Feel free to use this as a guide and explore learning resources on each theme:
  • Attend an event in your community. Indigenous Tourism BC has created a list of events happening in communities throughout the province.
  • Explore films by Indigenous directors, such as Marie Clements’ The Road Forward, a stunning musical documentary available to stream on Amazon Prime. Clements’ new film Bones of Crows, an intergenerational drama told from the perspective of a Cree matriarch, will be released on June 2. You can watch a trailer here. The National Film Board of Canada also features a rich collection of Indigenous films.
  • Celebrate the work of Indigenous authors. BC is home to many incredible, award-winning Indigenous writers, including Jeanette Armstrong (author of Slash), Eden Robinson (author of the Trickster trilogy and Monkey Beach), Tracey Lindberg (author of Birdie) and Lee Maracle (author of My Conversations with Canadians). Read Indigenous books and stories to the children in your lives, such as Phyllis Webstad’s The Orange Shirt Story and Phyllis’ Orange Shirt. Pick up copies of these books and books by other noteworthy authors in person or online at Massy Books, an Indigenous-owned bookstore in Vancouver’s Chinatown neighbourhood. You can also browse Massy Books’ curated list of juvenile fiction and non-fiction here.
  • Sample Indigenous cuisine. Salmon n’ Bannock is a local favourite in Vancouver, with locations on West Broadway and at the Vancouver International Airport. If you’re in the interior, stop by Jack Sam’s Restaurant in Chase, which overlooks beautiful Shuswap Lake. Discover Indigenous dining experiences throughout the province here.
  • Show your support for Indigenous people by sharing resources with your colleagues, friends and family, posting on social media using the hashtag # NIHM2023 or taking time to learn and reflect privately.

More information, resources and ideas can be found on the Government of Canada’s website.