2024 Annual General Meeting results

The Law Society held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) virtually on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. President Jeevyn Dhaliwal, KC reported on the progress made over the past year to advance strategic priorities and provided updates on the status of the single legal regulator legislation. She also addressed the Law Society’s continuing work in Indigenous engagement and reconciliation, promoting equity, diversity and inclusion, improving mental health in the profession, assessing lawyer training and the articling process and preventing money laundering.

The agenda also included the discussion of five resolutions. Approximately 21 per cent of eligible lawyers voted on the resolutions, either online in advance or at the meeting. 

Member resolutions regarding the creation of a new membership category for articled students, changing the practice fee structure for junior lawyers and requiring attendance at call ceremonies passed. The Benchers’ resolution regarding the appointment of Law Society auditors for 2024 also passed. 

A resolution that suggested changes to the Indigenous Intercultural Course did not pass. 

Full details of the AGM results are available here.