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Client capacity, undue influence and mistreatment (abuse and neglect)

The following are resources that may be helpful in answering your enquiry. Please familiarize yourself with them before moving on.

In brief: For guidance regarding clients with diminished capacity, refer to rules 3.2-9 and 3.3-1, commentary [10] of the Code. When a client’s ability to make decisions is impaired because they have a mental disability (or is a minor), the lawyer must as far as reasonably possible maintain a normal lawyer and client relationship. Although a doctor’s assessment may assist in determining capacity, ultimately it is a legal test and you must make the decision whether the client has capacity. The key is whether the client has the ability to understand the information relative to the decision that has to be made, and is able to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of the decision or lack of decision (rule 3.2-9, commentary [1]). Check out the resources below to learn more, and feel welcome to contact a Practice Advisor with questions.

Key Resources

Code - Navigating relationships with clients with diminished capacity:  BC Code rule 3.2-9 and BC Code rule 3.2-9 commentaries.

Code - Determining whether a lawyer may disclose confidential information to the extent necessary to protect the client’s interest: BC Code rule 3.3-1 commentary [10].

Practice Resource - Practical guidance on acting for clients with diminished capacity can be found in the Spring 2015 Benchers’ Bulletin article: Acting for a client with dementia (Benchers' Bulletin, Spring 2015)

Practice Resource - Overview of the relevant obligations and resources regarding client capacity is covered in Practice Advisor Frequently Asked Questions.

Additional Reading

External Resource - Tests for capacity are analyzed and evaluated in this: Report on Common-Law Tests of Capacity (BCLI, 2013)

External Resource - Considering undue influence: Undue Influence Recognition and Prevention: A Reference Aid (BCLI, 2022)

External Resource - Undue Influence Recognition and Prevention: A Guide for Legal Practitioners (BCLI, 2022)

External Resource - A Guide for Assisting Persons in Vulnerable Situations (STEP Canada, 2023), generously shared with permission as part of STEP Canada’s commitment to fostering knowledge on this critical topic.

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