Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) allows applicants to make requests for records in the custody or control of public bodies such as the Law Society. The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC oversees and enforces the provisions of FIPPA.

  • If you are looking for information about:
  • If the information you are looking for is not on the Law Society website, you may make a written request for copies of records (i.e. an FOI request) under FIPPA

Submitting an FOI request for records

Requests must be made in writing and can be submitted via email (either in the body of the message, or in an attached letter) to or sent by fax or regular mail directed to the attention of the Law Society’s Information & Privacy Officer:

Jackie Drozdowski
Information and Privacy Officer
Law Society of British Columbia
845 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 4Z9
T: 604.443.5759
F: 604.669.5232

An FOI request form is available for your optional use or reference in submitting your request.

Next steps

After submitting your written request, you will receive communications from the Law Society:

  • acknowledging that the Law Society has received your request; and
  • if required, asking you to provide more detail about the records you are requesting (to comply with FIPPA section 5(1)(a)).

Response timelines

Responses to FOI requests for records must be provided no later than 30 business days after being received. Section 10 of FIPPA provides for extensions of time for responding in certain circumstances.

Exceptions to responses

Certain types of records are excepted from being provided under FOI and will be withheld or severed (redacted) from the response. The types of excepted records are outlined in FIPPA sections 12 through 22 (inclusive).

After a response is received

If you have any questions after receiving a response to your FOI request for records, please contact us to discuss it. 

Additionally, under FIPPA section 52, requesters have 30 business days to apply in writing to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for a review of the Law Society’s response to an FOI request for records.