Conduct Reviews

 A conduct review is a disciplinary action ordered by the Discipline Committee with a remedial focus. It consists of a confidential meeting between a lawyer about whom a complaint was made, and a subcommittee consisting of one Bencher and a senior lawyer. Conduct reviews occur in private with the lawyer and sometimes the complainant in attendance.

A written report is prepared by the subcommittee after the conduct review, which forms part of the lawyer’s professional conduct record.

Publication of conduct review summaries is intended to assist lawyers by providing information about ethical and conduct issues that may result in complaints and discipline.

Conduct review summaries since 2022 are published below; prior summaries were published in the Benchers' Bulletin.

Conduct reviews – 2024-01 to 2024-26

Conduct reviews – 2023-47 to 2023-54

Conduct reviews – 2023-37 to 2023-46

Conduct reviews – 2023-19 to 2023-36

Conduct reviews – 2023-01 to 2023-18

Conduct reviews – 2022-02 (July to December)

Conduct reviews – 2022-01 (January to June)