Volunteers and Appointments

Expressions of interest in Law Society appointments

Those interested in being considered for nomination or appointment to internal Law Society Committees or Task Forces, or to other organizations by the Law Society should complete and submit this online form.

For more information on the opportunities and responsibilities of appointees, and on the various external organizations to which the Law Society makes appointments and nominations, please refer to The Law Society Appointments Guidebook.

(*) denotes required fields.
Given name(s) *
Last name *
Street line 1 *
Street line 2
City *
Province *
Postal Code *
Country *
Your contact information:
Email *
Phone *

Please provide two references.

Reference 1:
Name *
Phone *
Reference 2:
Name *
Phone *

Provide a brief explanation of the reason for your interest *

Provide a brief statement of your related skills and experience *

Attach your current resume (pdf or Word) *. You may include up to two supporting documents

Click Browse and upload files to a maximum of three.

Organizations of interest (check all that apply)

Type the characters you see in this picture *

This helps us prevent automated programs from sending spam through this form.
Enter the characters you see in this graphic image into the text box below.

By clicking "Submit your application", if you are a lawyer in BC, you are agreeing to the terms of the Authorization for Disclosure and Release of Information.

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Law Society appointee or nominee. Please note that the selection process for Law Society internal committees and task forces happens once annually, towards the end of each calendar year. The selection process for external appointments is ongoing throughout the year. Short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Your application will be retained for 1 year. Please provide us with an updated application and information if you wish to be considered for voluntary appointments after that time.

Your personal information is being collected by the Law Society of BC for the purposes of processing your application for nomination or appointment to Law Society Committees or Tasks Forces, or to other organizations by the Law Society. The Law Society may also review your membership file and professional conduct record to process your application. This information is being collected and used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165, s. 26(c) and 32(a). If you have any questions about the collection and use of this personal information, please contact Governance & Board Relations at BencherRelations@lsbc.org.

For more information on the Law Society appointment process, please contact

Governance & Board Relations
The Law Society of BC
845 Cambie Street
Vancouver BC V6B 4Z9